Working with a Recruiter for The First Time? 4 Things to Keep in Mind

Working with a recruiter can give you a real competitive advantage in finding your next job. Although you may be a strong candidate for a role, you could miss out on the opportunity simply because you don’t have someone representing you to the company you’re applying for. If you’ve never worked with a recruiter before, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your job-hunting goes smoothly and successfully. Below, are four key things to remember when working with a recruiter for the first time.

1. Control Where Your Resume is Sent

Finding the perfect role for your recruiter to represent you can be a dream come true. Once you have given your Representation Rights to that recruiter, they will submit your resume to the account manager, who will then submit your resume to the client. However, you want to make sure that that is the only place your resume is being submitted.

After initially sending your resume to your recruiter, make sure to confirm with them that you receive written confirmation of every instance where your resume is submitted to a client. That way, you can be assured that your resume will always (and only) be sent its intended audience. It also helps build trust in your recruiter to represent you honestly.

2. Ask the Right Questions

What are the questions you need answered in order to decide your next job opportunity? Be clear when outlining your priorities, and make sure in the right order. This is inherently about what you want and need from a job. Does the salary have to be at a specific level? Are you only willing to do a certain amount of commute? Are you okay with less, or more than 40 hours a week? Your recruiter will want to present you with opportunities that fit with exactly what you want.

Make sure you get the answers to these critical questions. They will provide the insight that will help you refine and define your dream job, and also help your recruiter recognize your dream job when it arises.

3. Be Up Front with Your Search

Honesty is key in establishing a trustworthy relationship with your recruiter. If you are pursuing several roles without disclosing your job search activity, the recruiter won’t be able to understand the big picture. But when armed with that information, your recruiter can create a sense of urgency and competition by letting their client know that you’re being courted by other companies. Often this will speed up the interview and selection process, which could mean the difference between you accepting the only offer or having multiple offers to choose from.

4. Find a Recruiter That You Can Trust

The last three key points are critical to establishing a trustworthy relationship with your recruiter. If you don’t receive written communication of where your resume is submitted, have an open dialogue about what matters to you, and don’t discuss your current job search situation, maybe this recruiter isn’t right for you. Some recruitment firms treat your job search like a transaction rather than a major life decision. 

Finding your next job is a lot more complex than buying a cup of coffee and should be treated with care.

Working with your recruiter should feel like a partnership. Your recruiter should be there for your first job, and the next one, and the next one, working with you to achieve your goals and ideal career path.

IT/IQ Tech Recruiters understands this and strives to create partnerships with tech professionals throughout Canada, that are established in trust and integrity. If you are looking for a new opportunity and want that competitive edge to get your foot in the door, reach out to one of our recruiters today, or check out our opportunities page here.

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