Keep it real: a saying that most-likely will never go out of style. So how does one “keep it real” when creating an employer brand? Don’t tell people what they want to hear. Tell a story that accurately encapsulates who you are as a brand. No organization is perfect. Own up to the things that may be perceived as negative. Outlined below are three fundamentals for displaying an authentic employer brand.

Be Honest
The worst thing that can happen from selling a candidate on a work experience that isn’t true to reality, is to lose them in the first week. Being honest and upfront about what a day in the life at your organization is like, is key for candidates to set expectations and understand what they’re getting themselves into. If your business is performance-driven be upfront about that with the candidate. If they will be expected to provide performance metrics on a weekly basis, they need to grasp that from the get-go. On the other hand, if you operate a more laid-back and creative business, candidates should understand that it may take time for decisions to be made. Either way, providing a realistic description of your organization’s working environment is the first step in achieving an authentic employer brand.

Listen to your Critics
One of the best ways to show that you’re listening to critiques is to respond to them. In the age where employees have the opportunity to anonymously post their opinions of an employer online, it is up to the employer to listen to all of these outlets. Not only does this address any negative critiques of the company, it’s also a visibility thing. When a potential employee is reading these reviews online and sees that the employer is responding and acting, it shows that the employer cares.

Provide a Real Story
How did your brand start? How did you get to where you are? What is your vision? All of these things are better said on video, than written. And who better to say these things than your employees? Get your team to volunteer their time to give an honest story that answers the above questions. It’s a surefire way of cutting out any typical marketing speak and providing an authentic employer brand.
With these three fundamentals in mind, start creating an authentic employer brand. IT/IQ are excellent marketers of your brand to highest quality candidates in the market. Check out our client services here!