Even if you’re a wizard at working from home, it’s difficult to separate work from play when your pile of work is just a few feet away. However, finding work-life balance while working remotely is achievable, even during the COVID-19 quarantine.
Here are four tips from IT/IQ to help you navigate this evolving situation and maintain a work-life balance.

Keep a Schedule and Stick to It
Yes, it will be tempting to press Snooze once or twice, but especially now, it’s important to start your day on time. If you can, keep your normal office hours, if you worked eight to five at the office, work eight to five at home. The structure will help you find your workflow and stay motivated.
Create a daily schedule that works for you and your family; if you’re morning people, make the day top-heavy, and vice-versa if you’re all night-owls. Having a schedule will help you stay on task, sane, and focused, especially if you have children you’re homeschooling.

Create a Work Area That Is Different from the Rest of Your Home
It might seem more convenient to do work on the couch, but that should be saved for relaxing. Instead, create a work area that is different from the rest of your home–a work area just for you. It can be as small as a corner of your kitchen island or as big as your home office. Wherever you find space, this designated area will help you find your focus and find work-life balance.

Eat a Proper Lunch
One of the perks at working from home is that you can eat a proper lunch, every day. Take the time to turn off your phone and computer, sit down and eat lunch without distractions. If you have kids, now is a great time to teach them how to make simple lunches and begin healthy habits.

Take Breaks
It’s hard to separate work from play, it’s even harder when work is a few feet away. Don’t fall into the trap of working all the time. Instead, take breaks as you would at work, get up and stretch each hour, take a walk with your dog, kids, or partner during lunch. Set a firm end-of-day hour and stick to it.
After work, find time to unwind and decompress. Text or call your family and friends. Listen to a new podcast. Pick up a new skill. Read a book from IT/IQ’s reading list here. Or watch a movie with your kids.

Stay Positive
It’s still possible to find work-life balance, even during these challenging times. Let’s remember to stay positive and face COVID-19 together. If you’re looking for a remote opportunity or an IT professional who can work remotely, IT/IQ Tech Recruiters in Vancouver, Calgary, and Toronto, can help you find the right fit. Visit us at it-iq.com to learn more.